Engagement Assessment

For Canadian Blood Services, engagement is about listening, sharing information, engaging in dialogue, and exploring workable solutions to help achieve the best possible outcomes for patients, families, caregivers, the broader communities we serve, and the health care system.

And just as importantly, it's about reflecting on, evaluating and continuously improving our practice. That's what this page is intended to help us do, by capturing feedback from our stakeholders, both in the short term immediately following an engagement or dialogue, and on bigger picture issues on an annual basis.

For Canadian Blood Services, engagement is about listening, sharing information, engaging in dialogue, and exploring workable solutions to help achieve the best possible outcomes for patients, families, caregivers, the broader communities we serve, and the health care system.

And just as importantly, it's about reflecting on, evaluating and continuously improving our practice. That's what this page is intended to help us do, by capturing feedback from our stakeholders, both in the short term immediately following an engagement or dialogue, and on bigger picture issues on an annual basis.

  • Thank you for your recent discussion with Canadian Blood Services. We'd like to get a sense from you about the effectiveness of that engagement, and if you have any feedback to share with us. There are only three questions, and it should take less than a minute of your time. The insights you provide will help us continue to refine and grow our stakeholder engagement work.  

    Take Survey
  • Welcome to Canadian Blood Services' annual stakeholder trust survey. This annual survey will help us understand how we can improve the ways we work together with stakeholders, and ultimately make the best decisions for the blood system.   

    We are looking forward to hearing your views! The survey should only take about 2-minutes to complete
    Take Survey
  • Thank you for subscribing to receive our Stakeholder Bulletin!

    We’d love to hear your thoughts on how we’re doing and how we can make our bulletin even better for you. This quick survey will take just about 2 minutes of your time. We will use your feedback to help us redesign the bulletin. Thank you for taking part.

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 22 Nov 2024, 07:09 AM